Tribeca NYC Reflections

I like seeing all the mismatched rooftops all at different heights. I think they look like a collage of interesting stories and exciting details. The roof tops are a much different city scape than seeing the architectural details and embellishments when I’m at street level. It’s like looking over the treetop canopy. … More Tribeca NYC Reflections

In the Pot of Boiling Water: Reflections of a Counselor

As a mental health counselor, I’ve heard scores of people who were in my office telling me about abuse they experienced. Why did they stay so long? Many ask. I use the analogy of a frog in a pot of boiling water. And I couldn’t help but think of people being rounded up, separated and thrown into camps made out of wire and bars. How did we get to this point and the lack of empathy? Again-I thought of the frog in a pot of boiling water… … More In the Pot of Boiling Water: Reflections of a Counselor